Discover Redemption
Life at redemption goes beyond weekend worship. It's also about walking with Christ together and serving Him side-by-side. There's so much happening here, and we want to make it easy for you to meet people and get involved in the life of our church. There's no better time than now to take your next steps in making redemption home.
On your first visit to redemption we are trusting you will be met by our church family. Join us for a 20 minute "meet & greet" following the morning service the first Sunday of the month. We would love to get to know you and have you meet a pastor and key leaders. You'll hear an overview of redemption and how to connect into our life and ministries. It is held in the Discover redemption Room just off the Chapel Patio. *Childcare is provided. Just let your child's teacher know when you drop them off to class.
Our passion is that you would make redemption your home! Step 2 is a 90 minute class. It will teach you everything you need to know about the core of our church body and give us the opportunity to answer any questions you have. You will learn what it means to Worship Christ, Walk with Christ, Work for Christ, and Witness for Christ.
After you have been to Step 2 and have been attending redemption for four months, we would love for you to apply for membership and COMMIT to being a part of our church body where we worship and serve the Lord together.