Redemption Students
redemption Student Ministry exists to point students to the person, work, and word of Jesus Christ. We want to encourage our students to solidify their faith at an early age and allow that relationship to impact the rest of their lives.
We pursue this goal through Christ exalting worship, walking with one another in Christ,
serving the body by working for Christ, and witnessing of the
good news of Jesus with boldness.
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS | 6:30-8:30pm
Student Ministries gathers weekly on Wednesday Nights for a time of fellowship, fun, and most importantly, worship and a time in God's Word!
SUNDAY MORNINGS |10:30am - 12:00pm
Before our Sunday Morning Service, we encourage our students to seek out various service opportunities, such as greeting or directing cars in the parking lot.
After this, with Bible in hand, we join the greater Church body in worship together.